Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a Weekend!!!

On Friday, the 18th, my baby had his first surgery. He had to have tubes put into his ears. Poor little guy! I was very nervous about this surgery seeing how he was only 6 months old. Braden has had 2 surgeries under his belt now, and one for Carter. So you would think that I would be used to this idea. WRONG!!! It doesn't ever get any easier! I know that tubes are a very mild surgery (the actual surgery time was 10 minutes... no joke), but the though of his limp little body on the surgery table gave me nightmares!!! Now that it is all over with, and I am not saying that it was a walk in the park... even though it was much easier than I thought it would be, I am extremely pleased. He is FINALLY sleeping!!!! It's still not an all night thing, but I don't have to go into his room every couple hours to put his binki back in and sooth him.

Later that afternoon (the same day as his surgery) we took off to Burley for a fire training. Crazy... I know! This could also be the cause of all the pre-surgery nerves. It wasn't that bad. I did get a little frustrated with Braden and Carter because they were so stir crazy. I swear that the more I tried to calm them down and keep them quiet, the louder and more crazy they were. I guess that is boys for you! All in all, it really was a fun weekend, and Kade did great! But I am glad to have it over with!!!!
Before surgery...
... and after
Fun in the tub after swimming
The boys - one. It was too cold and windy to take Kade out to see Daddy

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some Much Needed Updates!!!

I have really been slacking when it comes to blogging. I really enjoy looking at what everyone has been up to, but for some reason I always put off updating mine! So, here is what we have been "up to."
Kade is growing up so fast! He is a little slower than my other boys, development wise, but I am ok with that, and I am not worried. He is starting to roll all over the place and is figuring out the whole sitting up thing. We have struggled with ear infections with that poor kid and he is scheduled for some tubes on the 18th of this month. Hopefully things will start looking up for that poor kid!

Carter is trying so hard to keep up with Braden. He is becoming quite the little tag along with him. If Braden does something, you know that Carter is right behind him. He is also becoming quite the little tease. It is so fun to see their little personalities grow! He is still super shy and still dreads going to nursery, but we love him anyway!!! His favorite thing is being tickled (not to make him laugh, but more the gentle massage tickle). If he is super tired he will ask "Tittle my bat" (a.k.a. tickle my back) and he will be asleep in no time!
Braden is getting SO smart. It is amazing how fast they learn and grow. He is in the CTR 5 now and loves learning about the gospel. The primary challenged us as families to read scriptures together and Braden makes sure that we remember every night. He idolizes his older cousin Madison, so if I need him to do something for me, all I have to do is say. "Madi would do it." It almost always works. He also can't wait to go to pre-school and asks frequently when he can go. I don't know what I will do when he is gone. He helps me so much!

Jason is back at the fish farm and is really starting to enjoy what he does. He doesn't really like working out side while it is cold, but he is getting used to it. He is now in the Elders Quorum presidency and is trying to adjust to that. He really liked being in the Young Men's and was sad to leave. Last month he turned 28 and didn't like that much either. He thinks he is getting too old. I keep telling him that the older he gets, the hotter he is! He doesn't believe me. He is also loving having three little men around that he can teach to hunt, fish, and play sports. He can't wait until they are old enough to tag along while he is hunting. It is so fun watching them play together!!!!
As for me... I am still at home doing what I love! Being a mother! I recently was released from my calling in the Primary Presidency and I bawled. I really loved my calling. Now I am just flying under the radar waiting for what comes next. I also have lost 26 lbs! It has been quite the journey, but so worth it!

I love these little farts!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

AdJUstiNG to 5

So, life has been pure chaos in the Kimball home since we brought Kade home. We are definitely adjusting to our new family of 5! Kade is growing faster every day. I can't believe that it has been a month already since we welcomed that cute little guy into our family. He is a pretty good baby as far as sleeping goes. He naps all day long and sleeps until about 4 a.m. at night, which I know is AMAZING! He has had a little naughty streak in him for a couple weeks but I think that he is getting over it. He has even smiled a few times! Braden and Carter have been mommy's little helpers. They love to help me burp, hold, and wrap up Kade. Braden is definitely adjusting to having a baby around better than Carter is though. Carter has had a hint of jealousy especially when daddy holds Kade. But, as time goes on he is getting better. Jason is even loving having Kade around. He is adjusting much better to Kade than he did with Carter. (Those of you who know me and Jason know what I am talking about.) He still hands Kade to me when he starts fussing, but what male doesn't do that? As for me, I love having my 3 beautiful boys! I definitely cannot get things done as fast as I used to, but I'm ok with that. I love the chaos! It keeps me on my feet and I never seem to get bored. Life is good!
Proud big brother
Braden and Carter love to get in the bassinet
Zonked out together!
So peaceful

Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's A Boy!!

It finally happened, and no I am not talking about me updating my blog ;)! Kade Steven Kimball was born into this world on July 22, 2010. 6 LONG days after he was supposed to make his big arrival. I wish that I could go into detail and tell you where I was when my water broke, or when my contractions started, but it is not that exciting. It was all in the hospital. I had to be induced. So, at 4:00 am that morning I walked into labor and delivery and at 8:56 am we welcomed our beautiful baby boy of 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. Phew! Was I relieved to FINALLY get that little guy out of me, but now the fun has begun. Sleepless nights, countless poopy diapers, and everything else that goes along with a newborn. But, I LOVE IT!
My Favorite Picture!
After he finally warmed up to Kade
One proud big brother!

... and a proud daddy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

4 Years Already?

It is hard for me to believe that Jason and I will be married for 4 wonderful years tomorrow, March 10th! Then I look back and think... has it really only been 4? So many things have changed/happened since that wonderful cold day on March 10th, 2006. Here is a flashback of those 4 years.
  • We were married in March (as I have said 3 times now, haha) and one month later on April 3 we found out that we would be expecting our first child. Kinda crazy, I know!

  • On November 30th, 2006 we welcomed to the world a beautiful little boy. We named him Braden LaRon Kimball.

  • September 19, 2007 we found out that we were going to be having another baby... to our surprise!

  • In January of 2008 we moved to Grace where Jason started working with his grandpa at the family fish hatchery.

  • Two months later, and a day shy of my 21st birthday we bought and moved into our first house! What a great birthday present!

  • Sometime in May Jason quit the fish hatchery and started working for Utah Power and Light as a summer temp.

  • On May 20, 2008 after much frustration I finally gave birth to another beautiful boy, Carter Jason Kimball. He was two days past due!

  • Two months later Braden gave us a scare and fractured his arm above the elbow and had to have surgery :(

  • Jason went back to the fish hatchery after the Utah Power job ended. Needless to say this would not last long.

  • A few months later Jason got a job with Coca Cola.

  • A few months... again... and we decided that things weren't working out very well job wise and we decided Jason should go back to school!

  • November 2009 we found out that we were expecting our third child!

  • On February 18, 2010 we found out that that third child was also going to be our third boy! I am going to have my hands full!

  • On March 10, 2010 we will celebrate our 4th Anniversary!

Like I said before... what a wonderful/crazy 4years!


Thursday, January 14, 2010


So... I know that it has been a while since I have last posted, and I have so many pictures that it would be a major overload. I guess that I will just share some of the bigger news. First of all... Jason and I are going to have another little one in July (I know, I know. The middle of the summer)! We are very excited, but a little nervous to have three little squirts running around giving their mother stress. Braden is especially excited because he thinks that he will be getting a baby sister (which Jason keeps trying to brain wash him into thinking that it will be another brother). I guess that we will just have to see. I have about another month until we can know for sure. All that I ask is that whatever that little bundle of joy is,I hope that he/she is healthy. What more could a mother ask for, right?!!

Braden is now three and has graduated into primary. He still isn't sure what to think about it because they don't have all if his favorite cars in his Sunbeams class, but he will get used to it. I just hope that he will start paying attention instead of turning around and waving to me every five minutes. Haha!

Carter is now 20 months and has already started to prove the middle child syndrome theory to be correct (I can say this because I, too, am a middle child). He absolutely refuses to go to nursery. He has turned into this cute little monster that is absolutely in love with his daddy. It is so hard to get mad at that cute little blondie!