Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something to laugh about...

So, I was trying to get a video of Carter rolling over because he just learned how and this is what I got. The funniest part is towards the end when Jason rips one. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard it again on the video. Hopefully you will get a kick out of it.


LP & TP said...

Your family is so dang cute. It's been so long since I have seen your cute face. I am so happy you have a blog. Now we can stay in touch! My family made me start one, I guess being so far away from AMERICA -I need to post lots of pic's so they can kinda see what our lives are like.
I just laughed out loud when I read your comment about PINE CONES! I can't believe you still remember that! haahhaah We had so much fun back in the good oL soccer days. :) Anyways, I hope everything is going great. You look so good and your boys are darling. Talk to you soon!
x0x0x MISS YOU!

WeBeR FaM said...

Jess you guys are nerds! I miss you too! Did Jason ever get Shane's message?

Trina said...

Your kids are so cute. Talk about little Jasons. I loved the part where Jason farted! That was so funny. Boyd would never have let me post it! Jason is so funny. How do you guys like living in the big city?

Sotutus said...

You guys are nerds! Jason's a pretty good sport for letting you post that! So funny! Oh and your kids are the cutest, but you already know I think that. I get so excited every time I see them.

On another note, I went to a birth parent class where Melanie told everyone about her experiences. She was really helpful. We just need to decide what to do!