Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3 Years and Counting...

I can't believe that Jason and I have been married for three years today! It seems like just yesterday we were going on our first date to Sizzler, haha. It is amazing what can happen/change in three years. One thing that will never change is the way I feel for him. Thank you Jason for the best 3 years of my life! I LOVE YOU!


Dani said...

That is such an awesome picture...I love it!
Yay for three years!

Sotutus said...

Congrats! You guys are too cute together!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Congrats! it goes by fast doesn't it?

WeBeR FaM said...

Time really has flown by hasn't it? That is such a cute pic! Also, your little boys are getting so big and they are adorable!

Unknown said...

Your coat (I guess thats what it is!) is beautiful! So is the picture! Haven't talked to you for awhile, hope you're doing well!